Friday, December 18, 2009

Propper's Blog, Stardate -314964.29

Wow, so I totally didn't keep with the whole "I'll update every Friday" thing... my bad...

Anyway, nothing has gone on until this week anyway, so I had nothing to write. Remember my first blog and my comment about how I wanted to write a blog but never had anything to write? Yea? Yea...

Well, I never got that lightbar for the Robocop police cruiser. I bought it. It's sitting in my purchase box on fleebay. I just can't pay for it. For whatever reason, I don't know why, paypal will no longer allow me to use my bank account for payments. They are now requesting a credit card or a debit card for payments. Well, I'm a geek with ADHD. I am BAD, BAAAAAD with credit and debit cards. I call them debt cards. I have a prepaid card that I can use I suppose, but as well as having ADHD, I'm also LAZY. I don't want to go to my bank to cash my check and then drive all the way across town to put money on my card at Wal-Mart, then go home to pay for something when I could just leave my money in my bank account and go home. And that brings up another question... why can't the bank put money on my card? I call bullshit. So yea, so far, no lightbar.

I got on fleebay again this week and bought the new 1/6 scale Ghostbusters Ray Stantz figure. It's sweet. Can't pay for it yet either. Bullshit.

The wife and I were out earlier this week doing some Christmas shopping, and we stopped at Poster World at Carbondale Mall. The wife got her father a couple of Marilyn Monroe posters, and I spent 76 dollars on posters for myself. YAY!! I got The Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgment Day theatrical posters, the Jaws theatrical poster, and the Friday the 13th European theatrical poster. I'll be framing them tomorrow. What am I going to do with them then? Store them. I have this wild idea that someday I'm going to buy a house out in the country that will either have a full basement that I can finish, or build a pole barn and turn into my own theater. 52" HD flat screen mounted on the far wall of a long and narrow room with a powerful surround sound system, rows of couches on risers elevating from front to back with deep red walls and carpet, lights on dimmers, a popcorn machine in the back, and my movie posters on the walls and my movie props in display cases throughout. Someday... "drool"

I'm a big fan of "Fan Films". Yea, I know, most suck, but some are damn good. There is a series being made by some Ghostbusters fans in Minnesota called "Ghostbustin' 911". If you like cheesy comedy, Ghostbusters, and fan films, I would suggest checking it out. They currently have 3 episodes up. You can find them at:

As I was typing this I got on and bought the entire second series of Ghostbusters comics from publisher IDW. I have the first series from them, and I don't know what to think. They have good writers, and it's Ghostbusters, but it doesn't FEEL like Ghostbusters. They story was ok, but it didn't really fit with GB at all. I'm hoping the second series is better.

Well, I guess that's all of my dorkness for now. Stay tuned next week for more from the wild world of me.

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